-g : use TFTP download process for firmware update (use with -u)
-u : perform firmware update operation (used with -g)
-a : specifies TFTP server IP address used for firmware image (used with -g)
-d : specifies source path where firmware image exists (default is local)
-s : query for current firmware update process status
-r : rollback to the standby firmware
-u : perform firmware update operation (used with -g)
-a : specifies TFTP server IP address used for firmware image (used with -g)
-d : specifies source path where firmware image exists (default is local)
-s : query for current firmware update process status
-r : rollback to the standby firmware
racadm fwupdate -f ftp FtpFtp -d /pub/tftproot/283/firmimg.d7
по tftp
racadm fwupdate -g -u -a -d /283
Полезные команды
racadm getversion
racadm fwupdate -s
Ратнер Арсений, arsenyratner@gmail.com, 7 985 273 2090
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